Australia ICOMOS Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025

Australia ICOMOS Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025

In collaboration with Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (AICOMOS), Luruk-In created an artwork entitled 'Place and Country' for the AICOMOS Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025.

This artwork represents Australia ICOMOS continued commitment and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities in cultural heritage conservation. The large circular symbol represents AICOMOS as a central meeting place with additional meeting places depicting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across the country. These meeting places and the accompanying Australian Gum leaves symbolise where people gather, share their needs, aspirations, culture beliefs and in turn develop and strengthen meaningful and respectful relationships.

A major focal point of the artwork is the topographic view and the colours used to signify the movement, essence and spiritual connection between country and place. This acts as a timeline of the landscape’s creation stories from the last 60,000 years and emphasises the importance of celebrating First Nations peoples and cultures in the nation’s identity.

For more information visit: Australia ICOMOS - leading cultural heritage conservation for Australian monuments and sites

AICOMOS Reflect Reconciliation Plan 2023 - 2025

AICOMOS Reflect Reconciliation Plan 2023 - 2025

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